Red Soil Spring Magazine - Blossoms - Issue #2
I picked a few flowers
and made a little braid.
I pinned it to my hair
and watched my face bloom.
As I walked down my street,
people waved and smiled.
The scent filled the air,
Oh, my jasmine blossoms!
'Blossoms' is the soul of the second print edition of Red Soil Spring magazine!
What's inside? - Highlights of the magazine
- Spring in Japan
- The Ancient River Nile
- When the Desert Blooms!
- A Lemon Tree Lane
- The Wanderer of the Ocean
- Let's Sip Flower Tea!
- Wind Song
- A Trail of Wildflowers
- Naturalist - Jane Goodall
and much more!
Red Soil Spring Magazine Features:
An International Monthly Nature Magazine made for children across the world.
12 issues per year
Size - 271 x 204mm (Portrait)
Each issue - 68 pages, Full Colour
Printed on FSC-Certified (Forest Safe/
Eco-friendly) Paper using Vegetable Ink
Perfect bound
100% Ad-free and subscriber supported!